Kelley Kieve
Acrylic and Collage
My art combines acrylic paint, paper, found objects on wood, and canvas as an assemblage to please the viewer.

Art surrounded my childhood growing up in the southwestern desert of Santa Fe, New Mexico. I was immersed in the art world from a viewer's perspective from a very early age. Santa Fe has an incredible and very eclectic art community. I had the good fortune to meet and get to know many amazing artists. I learned so much about color, placement and how creating a piece of art can change both the artist and the viewer. This artistic reciprocity never fails to amaze me.
Gratefully, I am at a stage in my life, where I can devote my time to explore the emerging artist within me. A journey that is rich, deep and enriches me on so many levels. In my practice as a hypnotherapist, visual imagery is key to gently guiding my clients inward to find the answers to help them make positive lifestyle changes. These changes often include pushing their creative edge, in whatever way brings them joy. So, I am listening to my own inner voice and taking a chance by presenting my art to the public eye.

Directions to Studio #25 at 35250 Old Stage Road, Gualala.
From Sea Ranch, turn east on Old State Highway (becomes Old Stage Road), go 5.7 miles. Studios are on left.
An alternative from Gualala, go north to Pacific Woods, turn east and go 1.3 miles to Old Stage Road, then left on Old Stage Road. Follow tour signs.
From Point Arena, go south on Hwy 1 to mile marker 9.7, then east on Iversen Road for 6.5 miles, just past Fish Rock Road, and our studio will be on your right.
Studio Tour Hours:
Open Aug 24-25 & Aug 31-Sept 2
10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
My studio is also open by appointment, year-round.
no public restrooms, no pets please