Ling-Yen Jones
Handmade Jewelry
I use a saw to pierce my work and solder it as well, set stones, and create necklaces and earrings.

I am a Mendocino County jeweler working mainly in silver, semi-precious stones, and pearls. My style ranges from the traditional to the modern, and is completely unique. All of my pieces are individually handmade, and are therefore one-of-a-kind or in small series with repeating motifs.
My training is with David Laplantz at Humboldt State University, at Monterey Peninsula College, and various Mendocino Art Center Workshops and assistantships.
I have curated and exhibited in several shows in the past. I also have been shown in Point Arena-CityArt, the Pacific Grove Art Center, Gualala Art Center, and the Mendocino Art Center. I am featured in the winter 2000 issue of Metalsmith, and the MontereyHerald “Life & Times” 2001.
I define jewelry as creations which are useful, artistic, symbolic, identifying, and an expression of personal ideas. In my earring line some of the motifs I use are leaves, birds, and windows. When these elements and others are integrated into a piece they can represent new beginnings, changes, hope, and further growth in oneself. The materials that I enjoy using most are sterling silver, copper, gold, and pearls, and semi-precious stones. My intention for each one-of-a-kind piece is that it is clean looking, distinctive, and artistically rendered.
The pieces with the Asian-like faces are inspired by the feminine, graceful, and romantic scenes of the Ukiyo-E period of the Japanese art. The piece “Unmentionables” has different faces, all expressions of surprise, serenity, wonder, and ecstasy. On the back of the pieces there are hidden hand cut flowers, roller printed leaf patterns, and scenes of paired lovers. Ukiyo-E or images of the floating world were representations of the everyday life of Japan in the 16th through the 19th centuries. This piece brings together my own interest in the expressive power of faces, while exploring the serenity and grace of the everyday in my own time.

Directions to Studio #14 at 41122 Leeward Road, The Sea Ranch.
From Hwy 1 coming from the south, turn west on Deer Trail then north (right) on Leeward.
From Hwy 1 coming from the north, turn west on Halcyon, then south (left) on Leeward.
Notification: I will be absent from this studio Aug. 24-25 but will be present Aug. 31-Sept. 2, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
My personal studio is open year round by appointment.
Home: 707-884-9153
Cell: 707-684-9503
Postal Mail: PO Box 352, Point Arena 95468